Friday, April 9, 2010


Day two was another good day at SAVII. I started out the day with a portrait shoot with Matt Brown as the instructor and a gymnast model at Cal State Fullerton Kori Underhill. He showed us things to look out for, such as space ships (overhead lights), back grounds and other details that can kill a shot. After Matt showing us some tips he put us on the spot with only five minutes in setting up lights and using our model.

We broke for lunch and headed to Cal State University, Long Beach for another shoot with some women AVP players. But before that I had some tasty …tasty Hawaiian food.

After lunch, my roommates and I headed over to the fields to set up. The girls practiced around and did same routines to help us think more to anticipates shots. (Rod Mar: use your brains). There practiced was structured to help us. After shooting the girls, we were able to use them for portrait shoots. Everyone had great ideas and everyone is very helpful on being human tripods. Again its always nice to see what kind of creative minds people have.

We finished with plenty of daylight and many headed back to the hotel. But Tommy, Phil and I decided to stay around and shoot Rugby practice and just linger and find interesting shots of people playing sports on the field.

Light was starting to get dimmed so we packed up and headed back. We still had critiques and edits, and then slideshow presentation of our work from the day. During the slideshow presentations all the instructors chose the best non-student photo and student photo of the day and thanks to Sammy’s Cameras, they offered some cool prizes.

Critiques ended close to midnight and most of us had to be up at 5 a.m for surfing at Huntington Beach or Newport Beach. Another great day to start in four hours and I need to get in my power nap. Thanks to the AVP Athletes and Kori Underhill for being patient with us and letting use them as models. And Also Captain Ron with Nikon for letting us use his AWESOME GEAR.

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